Sunday, August 30, 2015

Friends, Feasts, & Beasts.

Greetings & Salutations! 

{I'm just here for my Glamour shot... }

Not many people can say that their best friend from high school is still their best friend.... I'm one of those lucky individuals! Cassie has been there through thick & thin. She was even my co-pilot when we decided to move to San Marcos, TX! 


I love my Cass!!! Last night Osh made us an amazing, home cooked, farm to table meal the only item that wasn't from the farm was the ground turkey. *major component, but this year was the first year we attempted raising turkeys. It went extraordinarily well -- and the plan is to raise around 8-10 next season. Turkeys are an excellent 'bang for your buck' bird. They are fantastic rangers, good watch dogs, & the meat to feed ratio was well worth it! 

Sunday 8/30/15:
Sundays off are the best thing ever. Typically, I'm off Tuesday/Wednesdays so it's a special treat to have a day off with my husband. The day always seems to be one of those 'forever' days, in a good way of course. The day began with coffee & Sheryl, Jaclyn's cousin aka amazing dog whisperer coming by the house for a training session. Sheryl helped us cover all of the general basics and definitely helped us to hone in on some of the issues we have as far as training Emma. Sheryl suggested to make sure you have clear defined commands. 

IE: stop jumping on me was usually 'down.' BUT down was also the command Osh or I would say if Emma begged for food at the table, or if she jumped on us... Honestly, I had never put two and two together regarding the commands. I'm super excited to continue to train Emma. In time, she will be the perfect farm puppy lady.
Last week she learned how to stay! In just one day! Super intelligent dog -- just needs guidance! My goal is one new trick a week. 

The day succumbed with a 1.5 mile walk with the pups, an organic, grassfed dinner, & a cup of tea. Life is good. 

Thanks for reading y'all! 


Head B! 

We love pears. 
Like a lot... 

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